Thursday, July 14, 2016

Out Of The Ashes

Mark Twain said, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."  Fu Manchu could say the same.  Seeing the photos of the burned remains of a yard full of equipment at the repair shop and the post by the owner's daughter, "We've lost everything," led me to believe that Fu was no more.  I waited and heard nothing from the shop, and finally contacted my insurance company (the owner had let his insurance lapse).  Given depreciation, etc., I was happy to get a check that would cover perhaps half of the cost of replacement, half a loaf being better than none, and signed on the line for John.  Camille bought a new weed-eater (that woman is a weed-eating fool!).  She'd taken her old one to the shop the morning of the fire and was sure it was also a victim.

There I was, happily going forward and reverse on my new wheels, when I got a call from the repair shop.  "Your tractor survived and we'll get it to you soon.  We haven't found your rolling weed-eater yet."  To say I was stunned is an understatement.  Now I was in a pickle.  Two tractors is a bit of overkill.  (Steve wouldn't have thought so, he who wanted fifty of everything.)  Fu and I had a long and happy life together, but I'd already given my heart to John.  I called my insurance company to get instructions.  They were simple, "Send the money back."  Ah, well.  Such is life.  Camille also got a call from the shop.  Now she has two weed-eaters.  I'm tellin' ya, we're living high on the hog here in the hinterlands.

All Fu Manchu had needed was a new inner tube for one tire.  I'll still have to pay for that.  Crum.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh holy crap - pardon my French. First the lapse in insurance seemed like injustice and now THIS? I thought there was no question but that all was lost in the fire. I'm sorry, but for them to not let you know is totally and completely wrong. Justice seems to be in short supply sometimes. I'm so very sorry for you loss...and not loss...and double mowers. Maybe someone in the hinterlands will want to adopt Mr. Manchu!