Monday, December 9, 2019

Get Over It!

My dad had a way of putting things in perspective, "What will it matter a hundred years from now?"  One thing I've learned over time is that it is too darned depressing to stay depressed.  I couldn't quite bring myself to look for a new washing machine yet, but that's on the list.  The part for the vacuum cleaner is on the way, and the deck is Mike's purview.  Every so once in awhile, the universe lets me know I'm not in charge of much besides my attitude.

Michael and I got a good soaking on our morning walk.  Of course, the rain stopped as soon as we got back in the house.  It was as if Nature had spit in our eye and was satisfied with that.  Michael is so doggone smart.  All I had to do was bring out the chamois and he came running to get dried off.  Once or twice, and he's got any routine down pat.  He sent me off to sleep smiling last night.  After turning off the light, I was giving him a back and tummy rub as always, and he started humming.  There is no other word for it...Michael hums!

I found a packet of leftover sausage and peppers in the freezer for dinner.  I put it over some angel hair pasta and had a good, hot meal.  It hadn't rained again all day so maybe Mike can work on the deck again.  Michael went out for a late-night potty run alone and didn't take off down the driveway.

It was a good day.

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