Sunday, December 15, 2019


Whew!  In a flurry of text messages yesterday, my band of renegades reached a consensus and, weather permitting, we will celebrate a combination holiday of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year on December 28.  That gives me a couple of extra days to get ready, as in go big-time shopping.

Mike also got a reprieve or two.  He got his truck running again and, after a night of rain, the sun came out in the morning.  He put in a full day's work and figures, again weather permitting, to finish up by Tuesday.  As the saying goes, God willing and the creek don't rise.  It rained again last night, but good weather is predicted for today.  Yay!

In the spirit of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, "guess who's sleeping in my bed."  This is about as close as I get to making my bed anymore.  Celeste was off rearranging her piglets somewhere in the house.  If she could, she, a la Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, would whistle while she works.  She makes up for it by singing.

Arden may come over this afternoon.  I can't offer her laundry service because I just haven't been able to face the fact that I may have to buy a new washing machine.  I plan to do a little load of just socks.  Who knows, I might get a reprieve, too.

Oh, yesterday was a red-letter day!  Michael headed down the drive (twice) and for the very first time, came back in response to "Come!"  Of course, it could have been the treats in my pocket.  I don't care.  He came!