Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Want A Ride?

Time does fly...and drag.  I may, from time to time, pull out the DeLorean and take a little trip "Back To The Future" (1985, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd) when not much is happening at Farview or I find myself getting too whiny.  I have written daily for nearly ten years (good grief!) and sometimes have trouble finding something new to scribble.  Having nearly eighty years of memories, I may fall back on some of them.  You are welcome to come along for the ride.

In the meantime (now I've got that song in my head...1921, Ain't We Got Fun), work on the deck goes on apace.  Mike arrived just after daylight yesterday.  Ohmigosh, I wish I could go out there now and take a picture of the sunrise this morning!  The sun isn't up yet, but there is a fiery red glow behind the hills in the east and it is spectacular!  I think Mike is finished with the south end, but I'm not sure and am not willing to take a chance until he gives me the green light.  Oh, I do so wish I could share what I'm seeing...the glow is spreading to the clouds overhead.
No, I didn't risk life or limb.  This was taken from inside the house by the living room door.  Wow!

Anyhow, Mike took a short lunch break and kept on going.  He worked until well after dark.  No, I'm not kidding.  He was sorting the discarded lumber by the headlights of his truck!  His name is Mike Dittrich, and I will be posting a high recommendation for him on FB.

My time this morning has flown by.  I'd better get dressed before Mike appears and I get caught in my all-together.

"In the meantime, in between time, ain't we got fun!"

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