Saturday, December 28, 2019

Win Some...

Anybody out there who could loan me some leftover holiday spirit?  I seem to have lost or misplaced mine.  Good intentions didn't get me far this year and I still haven't put up so much as a wreath for Christmas.  I am definitely looking forward to seeing the Kids who are coming up today, but just wish I were more prepared.  Sigh.

I usually see one flicker per season.  This year there is a whole flock of this unusual woodpecker.  They are much larger than their rowdy redheaded cousins, and they're a pretty bird, dressed in tan with a black collar and polka dots on the chest.  They come to sit on the deck rail and look in the window, so I get a good look at them, too.  The passing parade of migrating birds is such a pleasure.

Well, it's 6 a.m. and still dark outside.  Maybe there's time to do something yet.  I don't know what, but something.  Just muttering ho ho ho isn't going to cut it.

Ho Ho Ho!  (I'm trying.)

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ho Ho Ho..hope the Kids brought the spirit with them!!