Monday, December 30, 2019

Ho Hum

Nothing if not true to form, yesterday was a do-nothing day for me after all the festivities.  Ralph and Celeste, on the other hand, had their own holiday, opening boxes and bags and finding, oh joy, tissue paper!  Celeste was worn out from getting the box open and then pulling it out and/or making confetti.  Ralph got the paper out of the box and Michael chimed in by lying on it.  I don't know whether he liked doing that or was saying nanner-nanner to the cats.  Anyway, they all had fun.

I've learned over time not to put the See's box next to my chair.  Showing admirable restraint, I left it in the kitchen and only went in there, oh, four or five times.  At this rate, I may make the box last four or five days.  Or not.

Leftover KFC potatoes, gravy, and my favorite coleslaw for lunch.  (I'm saving the chicken for last.)  Deb and Craig had also given me packets of chickpea masala.  One minute in the microwave and they're hot and ready to eat.  A warm, spicy, filling dinner on a cold, cold day.

The predicted storm didn't materialize so I brought more wood to the porch and promptly stuffed Stove and lit it.  On our last walk of the day, Michael and I were surprised to see a young, maybe a yearling, horse trotting across our path and heading down the drive.  "Do you want me to do something about that, Mom?"  "No, Michael.  Just let him be."  I couldn't readily locate Bruce and Annie's phone number, so called Arden to let her know the horses had found a way out.  Just as Bruce called back, another one came into my yard, maybe the kid's mama looking for him, and I let Bruce know that there was a major breakout.  It was nearly dark, so all I could do was wish them luck.

That was the most excitement to be had on an otherwise ho-hum day.  Unless you're a cat.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

4 or 5 days for a box of See's...hmmm...that sounds a bit right - or a bit long. I can decimate one fairly rapidly myself.