Tuesday, December 24, 2019


I wasn't kidding about the mess Nature left, but I'm so very glad that after having thrown her hissy fit, she left all trees standing and the window intact.  I was also grateful for the beautiful, mostly sunny day yesterday.

I had big plans, starting with a stop at the post office just minutes before they closed for lunch and picked up a package from Kathy V.  That was exciting!  The drive to CP was uneventful, traffic was light, and I was early.  Ah well.  The doctor was an hour late with his appointments.  So much for my plans to finally shop for Christmas.  Maybe I'll just hand out gift-wrapped IOUs.

During my exam and talking to the doctor, it was a relief to find there may be a medical reason for my continuing case of the blahs and inertia and that I wasn't just "losing it.." It is possibly a combination of the polycythemia and hyperthyroidism, neither curable but treatable.

It started drizzling on the way home.  All along our country roads there are signs reading "Deer Crossing."  The problem is that deer can't read.  From experience, I know that when it starts to rain the grazing deer head for cover, which is inveritably across the road.  Having slowed on the wet road, I didn't hit the dumb-dumb that ran in front of my truck.  There was one patch of heavy rain, but it slowed again when I got home.

I got the most welcome surprise when I came in the door.  Michael, usually so unemotional, started bouncing up and down and twirling in circles, running back to lick my hand.  "Oh, you're home!  You're home!  I really, really missed you!"  Believe me, that was a major breakthrough and a great Christmas present.  I've asked him every day if he was happy to be here, hoping for some sign that he was.  What a relief.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ah what a GREAT present to know that Michael is so very happy there!! I'm not the least bit surprised. And glad you got some medical answers!!