Friday, December 20, 2019

What, Me Worry?

After dark last night, I saw headlights coming up my drive.  Hmmm.  It turned out to be the UPS driver with a gift from my brother- and sister-in-law (how kind).  Those UPS drivers must train in the arctic.  They wear shorts in the most frigid weather and drive with the doors open.  Brrr, it makes me cold just to think about that.  This guy had his radio cranked up and I heard a comment about MAD Magazine.  Shades of years gone by.

MAD Magazine first came out in 1952, but I didn't discover it until I was in my teens.  It was like joining an underground cult when I did.  Full of satire and humor, it really appealed to a teenager who had grown up with Little Lulu and Porky Pig.  The iconic, red-headed Alfred E. Neuman kid on the cover with his goofy grin and "What, me worry?" statement was seen everywhere back in the day.  The last issue is/was coming out this month, this year.  It's the end of an era.

Back in the house, I watched the last Democratic debate, and I emphasize the word last.  Between the impeachment folderol and the debates, I've about had it up to here with politics and I'm ready for a break.  Since there's nothing I can do about it until next November, I'm going to adopt Alfred's attitude.  What, me worry?

I'm really looking forward to today.  I'll be meeting my friend Harold for lunch.  We talk frequently, but haven't gotten together in over a year.  He's good, fun company, and a great antidote for political stress.

Tomorrow is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.  I'm not so concerned about the daytime, but I'll be happy to see the backside of the long, dark nights.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Hope you had a good lunch with Harold!