Thursday, December 26, 2019

Sitting Pretty

"You are smart.  You are handsome.  You are as soft as a cloud.  You are a good, good boy."  Michael hears this mantra every day.  Because of the dark background it's a little hard to see Michael's ears.  They go out to the side Baby Yoda style like this when he's relaxed, but let me take down the leash or reach in my pocket for a treat and those ears go up on high alert.  I also tell him he's funny, but he, so serious, rejects that idea.  Look at those eyes and tell me he's not a sentient being.

I received a call from Glenn and Jerri, my other brother- and sister-in-law, with an invitation to join a family dinner.  I declined, but certainly appreciated the thought.

It was a quiet, peaceful Christmas Day.  Because of the holiday the trash man's schedule was off, so Michael got his truck ride yesterday.  (Try to keep up here, it's an event in our week!)  A neighbor who is out of town asked me to pick up a package that UPS was to leave by his gate.  There are so many porch thieves in the news these days and he didn't want to be a victim.  I hoped I wouldn't be mistaken for one.

I take it back about it being a quiet day.  It's never hard to tell who got a new gun for Christmas.  Gunshots of different calibers ring out all over the hills.  It was a bit startling the first year.  Now it's expected.

I did eat the other apple cake for dinner, but still have some fruit cake left.  I believe in prolonging a holiday as much as I can.  After all, Christmas isn't for two more days.

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