Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Good Timing

Boy, Mike finished up here just in time.  The weather held while he was working yesterday, trimming the last of the boards, putting in a few more screws (the gold-colored kind), and loading his truck with the many tools he used.  As it turned out, he needn't have wasted time using my leaf blower to clean away all the sawdust created.  About three this morning, a strong, cold south wind blew in.  It also blew open the bedroom door and the cats took off like rockets.  I'm really surprised we still have power, so today's entry will be short, just in case.  Yes, rain was predicted, but nobody mentioned the wind, and there's no rain yet.  This is the kind of day when my ears are tuned for the crack-and-thud of a falling tree or branches, not my favorite weather.

Mike did all the work, and I was exhausted.  It was time for a nap and an early bedtime.  Later, after sunrise (if/when it comes), I'll go out hunting for the deck furniture that had been put in the front yard and which undoubtedly has been rearranged.  In the meantime, I'll just lollygag around in my robe and slippers.  With Mike's early arrival, getting dressed was a priority these past weeks.

Celeste is curled up on my feet, Ralph is in my lap, and Michael is, as Michael does, sleeping late on the bed.  It's time for a lazy day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I HOPE you got your lazy day!!!