Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Meet And Greet

It was Take The Trash Down Tuesday.  I loaded up my stuff and Michael and off we went, a little earlier than usual.  There was an unfamiliar black pickup at the corner.  Turned out to be Chuck, a neighbor who lives one driveway up from mine and whom I rarely see.  He offered to drag one of the bins (it was a three-bin day) across the road for me, which I appreciated.  The deed done (two bins), we stood and talked for a bit.  We were still talking when Camille came driving down her driveway to move the third bin across and joined the chat room.

A word about trash bins:  I am so fortunate that Cam and I joined forces, as the county now demands that we use their bulky, heavy, wheeled bins and that they be on the paved road, and they can only be left there for one day.  I'd have a heck of a time if I had to load two into my truck every week.  One is for trash, the other for recyclables.  Cam lives on the corner of the dirt and paved roads, and we share.

I hadn't seen Cam in awhile and she hadn't met Chuck.  Turned out to be a meet-and-greet opportunity.  It was nearly dark when I got back home and Mike was just finishing for the day.  I don't talk to Mike when he's working.  He's got his head in the game and I wouldn't want to interrupt him.  It is my habit, however, when he's ready to leave to offer a cold beer (well-earned and which he rarely, well, never refuses) and we chat for a few minutes.  He'd run into more problems with the building of the house.  It wasn't just the deck corners that were out of whack.  I told him about one hospital I'd worked in Santa Ana where the medical records department was in a trailer in the parking lot because the architect hadn't designed space for it.  Mike said he'd been born in Santa Ana, and it turned out that he'd been born in that same hospital!  How's that for six degrees of separation?

Florence had called with a question about goats.  She got to meet two of them when they ambled onto her property.  Before I could return her call, the missing owners showed up to claim them and she met them, too.

It was one of those days.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh my gosh...not 10 minutes ago, I wrote "six degrees of separation" on a Facebook thread...and here I read it on your blog...and for years I lived 5 miles from a southern boundary of Santa Ana!!!