Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Oh Joy!

I wasn't the only one gifted yesterday.  It being Christmas Eve and all, I decided to open the packages I'd received.  I'd been bemoaning the lack of holiday baking this year due to dietary restraints in the family, so imagine my delight when I found apple cakes from Stan and Lynne.
Having no self-control, I promptly ate one (gobbled is more like it).  Ahh, the taste of cinnamon and ginger, the moistness of the apples.

I had dared to hope for what might be in the box from Kathy V.  I had seen on FB that she'd been baking fruit cakes, a lot of fruitcakes.  Could it be she'd sent one to me?  She had!  Not waiting for a knife, I gnawed off one end.  (I did say I have no self-control).
Cherries and nuts and all the other fruits found in fruit cake.  Nom nom nom!  It was a mouthful of Christmas.

Ralph, in the meantime, had found his own gift.  Give a cat a box and you have a happy cat.  They need no directions.  What do you do with a box?  You get in!  Ralph was having such a good time until his sister batted him on the butt (all that was sticking out) and demanded her turn.  Sisters, what're ya gonna do?

I spent a good portion of the day and into the evening connecting with friends and family.  I've stayed in contact with my 90-year-old cousin on my dad's side.  She and I are nearly the only two left, and she's the only one with whom I can share memories of our past.  "Do you remember when Grandpa did such and such?" And we laugh.

George had kicked off the holiday season with his gift of pecan cookies.  Stan, Lynne, and Kathy V topped it off.  Pure joy!

Merry Christmas, everyone!


Emmy said...

And a very happy day to you and all the critters.
Save some of those goodies until tomorrow

And a joyous 2020

Kathryn Williams said...

Merry, Merry Christmas to you and yours. My several Christmas texts from friends and relatives went unanswered for hours...while the phone was either mute or the children were loud...but my wishes are as full as my heart!