Tuesday, December 31, 2019

As The World Turns

I think I can say with honesty that I've never in my life watched a soap opera, but the title of a well-known old one (As The World Turns, 1956-2010) came to me last evening.  It was so apparent that the earth had turned on its axis.  I made sure to stand close to where I've taken so many other photos to show why the days are shorter now.

For comparison purposes, this shot was taken months ago, before the cellphone tower was erected.  It certainly shows how the sun is going down from right to left of the trees on the horizon.  With a shortened arc, it's obvious why we have fewer hours of daylight.

We head into a new decade tomorrow.  The world turns and time flies.  I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but I'm going to try this year...See It, Do It...and, yes, that includes dusting.  This has been a do-nothing year and I'm tired of it.

Ohmigosh, I just looked back and realized I've been writing almost daily (power outages notwithstanding) since January 2010!  Sheila and Tessie were pregnant with their first kids; they're old ladies now.  I had lots of chickens then and no Rotten Stanley.  I hated dusting then, too.  Some things don't change.  I started with a photo of sunset, so it's fitting to end this year the same way.

Happy New Year!


Emmy said...

The days already seem a little longer.. not pitch black at five PM.
Always hope that the world will get better and safer..the eternal optimist.

A safe and happy new year to you..may we share many sunrises and sunsets.

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh HAPPY NEW YEAR, Bo! It's been a great 10 years!!