Tuesday, September 22, 2020


I'll admit I'm hooked...addicted to the news, as well as computer solitaire and cellphone sudoku.  I blew this entire morning on solitaire, "By golly, I will beat this thing!"  Ordinarily I would start watching the news as soon as Michael and I come in from our walk, but not today.  They say the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem.  When entire days go by and I've not moved, that's a problem.

I don't know if I can go cold turkey, so I'm going to try starting in small increments.  Three games only, regardless of the outcome.  The news is going to be harder.  I'll try to cut back to maybe just one hour.  The world is spinning out of control and I've felt the need to try to keep up.  It's not working.  I may need to add some time with this one as we get closer to election.

I'll try convince Michael to help me stay on the straight and narrow; he's been looking for a job and he is, after all, a support dog.

Wish me luck.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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