Friday, September 18, 2020

It's Raining!

No kidding, it's really raining!  Morning skies have been grey for so long, it never occurred to me that those could be rain clouds.  Wow!  It's not going to last long, just long enough to turn the dust on Truck's windshield to mud, but it sure is welcome, all the same.

Sitting outside with Michael yesterday, listening to the woodpeckers storing up for winter in the trees got me to thinking about those groaner knock-knock jokes.  They weren't so popular back in my day, but they were all the rage when my Kids were growing up and I suffered through years of them.  If they didn't know any, they made them up.  Groan.

I self-indulged a bit yesterday, succumbing to an urge for Beef Chow Fun from the little Chinese restaurant in Pleasant Valley; I was up there to go grocery shopping.  They are take-out only now, so that worked out fine for me.  Ohmigosh, it was so good!  I don't eat a lot of protein anymore, but the beef sure hit the spot.

I can't be the only one inundated with scam phone calls.  I got seventeen in three days from the same "company," and at least one a day every day from others.  It is terrible that so many are willing to take advantage of a terrible time in our lives, and sad that so many will believe the threats, etc., and lose money.

That little dab of rain didn't amount to much, but maybe it settled the dust.  I'll take it!

Stay safe.  Be well.

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