Saturday, September 26, 2020

Morning Song

There is such an advantage to getting up early, the early bird, as it were.  A rooster on property to the east sounds reveille to start the day.  There is a flock of pedestrian turkeys, maybe ten or so, that comes through just about daybreak.  They talk amongst themselves, quietly and constantly.  If it's still semi-dark, owls ask the eternal question, "Whoo?"  Quail tend to sleep in.  I haven't heard them calling for the missing Rod-RI-go yet.  The oak tree over the woodpile is filled with sparrows and the dinky birds, all up and talking at the same time.  They wake up the raucous woodpeckers who state their displeasure at length.  Pretty soon the crows will chime in.

While mornings are not quiet here, it was startling today just at first light when someone across the road fired four shots from a large-caliber handgun.  It leaves one to wonder at what and why...a mystery.

Well, all the birds seem to have gone about their business for the day and they're setting a good example for me.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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