Tuesday, September 1, 2020

On The Move

If I were asked, I'd say Ralph has a mild case of ADHD.  The boy absolutely cannot be still.  He races up and down the hall, continually on the move.  If nothing else is going on, he torments his sister.  I hear him prowling in the kitchen, knocking things over or off.  He gets up on my lap, but cannot decide which way he wants to lie.  "Ralph!  Just sit down!"  Even when he does lie down, finally, his tail flaps back and forth, whapping me in the face.  It doesn't stop even in bed at night.  Pat pat pat on my face in the dark.  "Hey, nobody's paying any attention to me!"  Sigh.

Celeste, on the other hand, is a total couch potato.  She lies here, she lies there, she can lie for hours and not move...until Ralph gets bored.  Then she will jump up and give him what-for!

Michael and I had to go to town again yesterday to return the extra TV.  I took advantage of Helper Dude to get the danged thing into the truck and didn't want to leave it in there.  Today is trash day.  Once we make that trek down the road, I don't plan on moving again for a week.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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