Sunday, September 27, 2020

Cooks And Crooks

Ah, Saturday, my day for cooking shows.  I saw some good recipes and techniques yesterday, but admit to a tinge of sadness.  I have no one to cook for anymore.  I wonder what the holidays will be like this year.  Thanksgiving last year was reduced to KFC, but at least the family was here.  Christmas was the last time we were all together.  Boohoo.

The afternoon was spent in the company of Tom Selleck (hey, it could be worse!) and the Bluebloods family.  Too many of the new cops-and-robbers series are a little too gory for my taste.

PG&E has sent notice that they intend to cut our power this afternoon, may be out until Tuesday.  Aarrgh!  This time, as it was the last time, is due to projected high winds.  Last time, the strong winds were, as one local wag put it, enough to blow a leaf clear across his driveway.  Ah well, better safe than sorry.  I do appreciate the advance warning.  Time to fill the water bowls and trough, do the dishes, and take a shower.

It's been awhile since I've included a photo of a sunset.  The last hurrah last evening was spectacular.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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