Friday, September 25, 2020

One-Trick Pony

Actually, I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve, but of late I've only been pulling out one a day.  Inertia is hard to overcome, and I do inert very well.  I could/should dust.  Oh let it be, that dust isn't hurting anyone.  It's not nearly so satisfying to dust on a regular basis.  It's hard to tell you've done anything until you can write your name.  I'll put that on the list.

Benadryl doesn't put you to sleep, but it does cause a deep sleep and I've been waking up after daybreak...that's really late for me, especially since dawn comes later now.

There are times when I wish I hadn't made it my mission to write almost exclusively about farm life, my life.  Given the current political circus arena, I rant and rave, sometimes aloud, alone in the house.  I would love to give vent to my opinions and feelings, because as it is the only ones to hear me are the dog and cats, and they don't care and can't vote anyhow.  Ah well...just as well I keep these thoughts to myself.

Let's see.  Yesterday was 'clean the cat box' day.  I wonder what trick I'll pull out of the hat today.  I think I'll just let it be a surprise.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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