Thursday, September 3, 2020

Stop And Go

Well, today will be a crapshoot.  AAA Guy came yesterday morning, asked Truck's symptoms, and I told my tale of woe with the squirrels.  "Well, let's just take a look under the hood."  "Looks pretty good to me," he said.  He took the keys, got in, and wouldn't you know the truck started right up.  Aarrgh!  He laughed, I apologized, and he left.

That is not the end of the story.  In my ignorance, I had said battery wires...again.  Anyone who has followed this saga knows that this is exactly how the whole foofah started.  It was not until much later that it dawned on me that of course the battery cables were fine, it undoubtedly was the aptly named spark plug wires.  Remember I'd nearly set the truck on fire with their sparks...three times!  I couldn't bring myself to go look yesterday.  I will have to today because I don't know if the critters have used the wires for appetizers or if yesterday was a one-time fluke.  I don't know if I can drive Truck down to the shop or if, say it isn't so, I will have to call AAA Guy back again.

I know I said that I wasn't going to move for a week.  I just didn't know how true that was.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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