Saturday, September 19, 2020


Just this past week the skies were filled with smoke and we were sweltering.  Yesterday it rained just a tad, but real rain, and later there was pure blue overhead with a few white clouds.  This morning I needed a long-unused robe, it's that chilly.  Go figure.

In the afternoon I switched on the news only to catch the first announcement that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died.  She was a force of nature in a tiny body, and has long been a hero of mine.  She accomplished more for the rights of women than anyone thought possible.  She brought me out of the 'Father Knows Best' and June Cleaver era.  Even her last dictated words were for the good of the United States of America.  At least in this house, the Notorious RBG will be missed.  She left a grand legacy.

With the change in weather, the goats were playful and running in their pen.  It's been quite a while since that happened.  Michael stood and sniffed the clean air, probably checking on those smells he hadn't enjoyed in some time.  FYI, there will be a 'blue moon' on October 31.  Let's hope the skies stay clear enough to see it.

'Porch company' is coming today.  It's pretty bad when you have to warn a guest that you will not even be able to offer bathroom privileges.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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