Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Dang, life gets hard without electricity.  The worst is not having any water.  Try brushing your teeth without water, and you can't even wash your hands.  You don't know what quiet is until you live alone on the top of a hill in the middle of nowhere with a dog that doesn't bark and two cats who sleep all day.  Once again PG&E said the outage was due to predicted high winds...that never came.  In the 90s, even a puff of breeze would have been welcome.  Daylight comes late and dark comes early, but in between I did get a book read.  With the limited light, it took all three days, but it kept my mind occupied.  Michael and I were out for a walk yesterday; on the way back to the house I heard the TV!  Glory be!  We ran (slowly) back in and, yes, the TV was on and the fan was running!  The first thing always after such an event it to flush the toilet!  We get so used to 'modern' conveniences that we don't think twice about them until they're not there.

I was grateful that the power came back in time to watch the first presidential debate/debacle.  A good portion of my time is spent watching MSNBC news (I try to stay informed) and I would have hated to miss that event.

Usually, the first thing I do every day is write an entry here, but today I got caught up on FB first, especially to see how relatives in the Santa Rosa area were faring.  So far, so good.

Boy, did I ever miss the computer!  It's a lifeline to the outside world.  Glad to be back, for sure!

Stay safe.  Be well.


Emmy said...

And so glad to have you back.

Kathryn Williams said...

Ditto to Emmy!!