Friday, September 4, 2020

As The World Turns

"As The World Turns," TV soap opera that ran from 1956 to 2010, 54 years!  (And I never saw a single episode.)

What with everything that's going on, or, more to the point, what's not going on in the world these days, it sometimes feels like we're stuck in time and nothing will ever change, that the world has stopped turning.  Just this morning, however, I got a hint that it has not.  Daybreak was almost an hour later than it has been.  It's September and we're heading into Fall.  I'll admit I can't really remember Spring.  The virus took over and we headed into what seemed like endless Summer.  Just the fact that the seasons are changing gives me hope that things might get better.  If nothing else, cold weather will make staying indoors a comfort and not a punishment.

The shop can't take Truck until the middle of next week, so we're still in No-Go mode.  Sigh.

Hold the good thought.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said... sorry. Hey, I had a friend tell me about a new news show that they claim has no bias. The friend's views and mine are 180 degrees apart, so I was anxious to give it a try for myself. It premiered this week and is called NewsNation on WGN. It is from 8pm - 11 pm each night so you might want a tape a segment, and it was quite refreshing in that it just showed what happened during the news cycle with no commentary kinda sorta. We all could use some neutral news.