Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Another Day

Well, heck!  I took a photo of last evening's most beautiful sunset to share, but the computer gods won't let me.  I hate it when they take a process that had been so easy and make it impossible.  Take my word for it, the sky was stunning.

We're up to almost 30 outside this morning and a balmy 48 in the house.  That's because I broke down and lit a fire yesterday.  I knew I had to when I could no longer feel my face or fingers.  One of my sons chastised me soundly in a text when I mentioned that I was thinking about putting Stove back in service, but didn't want to deplete the woodpile.  "Light the blankety-blank fire, Mom!"  Given such orders, I'm gonna do it again today.

I'm still getting used to the new/old Standard Time.  Six o'clock and it's already starting to get light outside.  That's not the problem, it's that it also gets dark about six.  Michael also has trouble with that one because he's ready for his last walk of the day about that time.  His needs are a little more urgent than mine.

Michael is, if you haven't guessed, one of the best dogs ever, but one thing he is not is a guard dog.  If I'm not paying attention, the only way he tells me something is going on is to watch him constantly.  Yesterday we were on one of our walks when his ears pricked up and he focused on the chicken(less) pen.  I followed his stare and sure enough, a buck casually walked out of the pen.  He might have been looking for some leftover chicken feed, or perhaps was just curious.  At any rate, we stood and gave him time to make his getaway.

Today's chores will include going around and turning off the water to some of the outlying pipes.  Should have done it sooner, but never anticipated freezing weather this early in the year.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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