Monday, November 2, 2020

Back In The Day

One thing about getting older and not much is happening in your life, there are plenty of file drawers in your mind to open and pull out a memory or two.  On one of my many cooking shows, the chef recently made a batch of beignets.  Oh gosh, the memories those brought back.  Once upon a time and what now seems long. long ago, we had company...lots of company, and they stayed for days.  Upstairs and down, this house would sleep 17 people, and in case there was overflow, there were air mattresses to pull out.  I'm not a breakfast eater, but, oh man, I could make breakfast for a crowd.  You can't make just a few beignets and they are only good when fresh and hot, but they sure are nummy and a crowd pleaser!  I developed a recipe for baked French toast, sprinkled with dried cranberries; a lot easier than standing and frying each order, and just as crispy and browned.  I had a lot of producing chickens then and had a seemingly endless supply of eggs.  I never minded being a short-order cook in case of stragglers.  Everyone was on their own for lunch as I was busy with the animals and planning dinner.  We played games, everything from poker to Parcheesi.  There are cabinets downstairs jampacked with board games, now long unused.

A number of those dear friends are long gone now, but I can see their faces just as clearly as I can taste the beignets.  That was a good memory drawer to open.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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