Sunday, November 1, 2020

What A Way To Start The Day

I awoke in the wee dark hours of the morning to the faint beep and sigh of the electricity shutting down.  Yes, again.  What had we done to offend the power gods this time?  With no clock, no telling what time it was.  I went back to sleep.  With last night's huge, bright Harvest Moon, it was hard to tell if it was still moonlight or a rising sun (turned out to be the sun) when I woke up for real, thanks to the time change.  It evidently was a pole down or a blown transformer because they'd fixed it in about four hours.  I get a satirical kick out of the mechanical voice at PG&E:  "You may contact us at www.etc., and your wireless phone will not work during an outage."  Duh.  If I don't have electricity, I can't use the computer, and if I didn't have a landline, I wouldn't be calling.  I got the last laugh because I hadn't yet reset the clocks!

Michael and I made a trip to town yesterday.  I had several stops planned, but derailed for something I rarely to never do.  We stopped for a fish-and-chips lunch that took much longer than I'd thought.  The gentleman behind the counter was evidently the clerk, cook, and bottle-washer, ie, the only one there.  Michael likes fish.  It took hours to get the feel of grease out of my mouth, so it will probably be a long time before we do that again.

On our way out yesterday, I stopped to drop off my ballot.  Turned out I was just the second voter that day.  However, I was told that our little community has one of the highest numbers per capita in the county.  Others were coming in as we were leaving.  El Dorado is politically active!

It being Hallowe'en, I bought a bag of candy at one of our stops.  Not for trick-or-treaters (we've never had any), but for me.  I OD'd, and that was dinner.  Back on track today.

It being November first, ordinarily I'd start planning for Thanksgiving dinner.  Not this year.  Fingers crossed for 2021.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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