Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Snake In The Grass

Well, that was interesting.  We were on our first walk of the day and nearing Michael's favorite big-business site.  He was looking for just the right spot and I was looking for treacherous squirrel holes when a three-foot snake claimed the right of way and slithered past, headed for a patch of tall weeds.  Fortunately, I am not afraid of snakes and I'm not sure Michael even saw it.  I'd been able to see the head and will admit I was relieved that it was narrow and rounded and not diamond shaped so I knew it was not venomous.  The coloring told me it was a common garter snake, and they are welcome in my yard.  This guy (an assumption because I can't tell male from female) was close to three feet long, so I guess he's been around for a while.  It's just rare to see them.

That hellacious wind of the night died down shortly after sunrise, and it seems all trees are intact.  It wasn't even very cold.  Clouds were big and puffy until early afternoon, when they got organized and the rain began.  This was serious rain, but on the steady, gentle side, not a deluge, and very welcome.  Hopefully, it will put an end to fire season.

After dark, the fun began.  With the first soaked ground, the big, bumbling rain beetles emerged to bang against the windows.  There are a lot of them this year.  The bugs would hit the glass from the outside and Ralph nearly lost it while he would bat at them from inside.  He evidently thought we were under attack and would be our protector.

It was quite a day, start to finish.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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