Saturday, November 14, 2020

Freaky Friday

(Freaky Friday, 2003, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan.)  I'd rather use 'Freaky Friday' instead of 'Friday the Thirteenth' as a reference film because nothing gory happened yesterday, it was just weird.

I was going about my morning computer routine:  write the blog, check FB, play a few games of solitaire until it's light out.  I'd just posted yesterday's entry and was moving on when, blink!, the power went out.  Oh great.  With trusty flashlight in hand, I went to call PG&E.  "We are aware of your outage and power has been restored."  Umm, no.  I called back and worked my way through the robo-buttons until I was connected to a real live person.  The nice lady gave me the same info and I assured her that I was still sitting in the dark.  "Hmm, let me check a little further."  She was a little embarrassed when she came back and told me that 718 houses were affected (in the dark) and that the problem should be fixed in about 3 hours.  That put the kibosh on whatever plans I might have had for the morning.

Cat on lap, we watched the sun struggle to rise behind a bank of black clouds over the mountains in the east.  About the time power was restored, we gained full sunshine.  Then Nature pulled her routine and moved the clouds overhead and a cold, drizzly rain began.  Michael needed his walk, regardless, so we went out.  We didn't stay out long.  I brought in firewood and put Stove to work.

Oh well, what did I expect on Friday the 13th?

Stay safe.  Be well.

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