Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Change is inevitable.  It's up to us to try to keep up and cope the best we can.  I was fortunate yesterday to have a friend who allowed me to rant and rave (she did a little of that on her own) regarding the current political situation.  We had done our bit by voting, but there's naught we can do about the outcome, so....

After all these years (over 35), Steve's extensive family has become my own, and they and I reach out now and then to keep in touch.  Yesterday's news regarding one of the cousins wasn't so good, in fact it was downright dire.  I've not seen her for years and years, but I'll hold on to the memory of a chubby, laughing woman who was a nonstop talker.  She could talk the leg off a table, and never an unkind word ever.  She will be sorely missed by her family when her troubles are ended.

It was full daylight when I awoke this morning.  After my evening nap in the chair, I'd awakened to a late-night PBS special with music from the '50s...my coming-of-age era, and I watched and listened until the end.  I remembered cruising Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, CA, with the radio playing, and practicing new dance steps with roommates at school.  The beat was steady and the words were clear.  Ah yes, things change.

Unlike days of yore when we would sit up all night to learn the outcome of an election, we probably won't know for awhile what our fate will be from today's vote, but...we'll cope.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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