Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Not One Thing

It was another beautiful morning.  Lately I've been a little wary as we walk out, wondering if the legs could make it the long way around or if we'd need to take a shortcut.  Yesterday I rejoiced, and I'm sure Michael did, too, as we made the full circuit.  We were on the home stretch when Michael wanted to make a little side trip down to the chickenless pen.  The fallen leaves are about ankle deep on the slope, but we were going slow, crunching as we went.  I'm guessing it was one of those hidden slender, twiggy bits that tripped me up and I went down for a three-point landing...two knees and a nose.  I think they call that a faceplant.  Michael was appropriately concerned at my unusual behavior.  Getting up is always a struggle these days, but I made it and we went to the house, me back to hobbling, without further delay.  The nose isn't broken, but swollen.  I look like I'd gone a round or two with Primo Carnera or Max Baer (champion boxers from the '30s).

If it's not one thing, it's another.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh damn, I'm SO sorry. I guess we can be "Thankful" that you didn't break your nose and that you were able to get up. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend!