Thursday, November 5, 2020


I was no more capable of writing a coherent sentence yesterday than I could fly without wings.  Time has restored a little of my equilibrium.  We have no choice but to go on, so might as well get on with it.

As Michael and I were on our morning walk, headed for the garden area, a doe had the same destination in mind.  We must have been downwind from her because we saw her before she was aware of us.  There was that special moment when we all stopped and just looked at each other.  I love living here.

Missy must be gearing up for winter.  It usually takes her a couple of days to empty her food dish, but lately it's a one-day meal.  I put a nice bed out on the deck for her, but have never seen a sign that she's ever used it.  Funny little girl.  Michael and I see her out and about in the yard, usually in the afternoon.  She has no fear whatsoever of the dog, and Michael might just hum a few bars as he watches her (about as vocal as he gets).

The weather guys have been saying there's the possibility of rain in the next couple of days, and wouldn't that be welcome?

I really must reset the clocks.  Getting up at what turned out to be 3 a.m. is ridiculous, even for me.  It's going to be a long day.

Breathe, just breathe.  This, too, shall pass.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

We had 79 today, 71 projected for tomorrow, and then it drops to 60 with projected rain on the weekends. I think our summer will officially be over then. Evenings are very cool tho.