Saturday, November 28, 2020

What's Left?

I discovered the antidote to Thursday's pity party.  What remains after a big Thanksgiving dinner?  What do you send  home with every guest?  Leftovers!  On Thursday, I would have cried in my gravy if I'd heated that TV dinner.  Yesterday, I plunked it in the microwave and hoped for the best.  Well, it was great!  It was just like having a plate of leftovers, which I would have eaten alone after Thanksgiving anyhow.  I'm not above playing tricks on my mind, especially when they have such a good outcome.  I might add that TV dinners have come a long way from those I remember from the '50s.  This one was actually delicious.

More leftovers came my way in the afternoon.  Cameron's church had held a big food drive, planning to serve those in need in the area.  Down in the valley, the news has been showing miles of cars and maybe thousands of people waiting in line for donated food, and the church wanted to help the community up here.  For whatever reason, not many showed up, and many well-packed boxes of nonperishable food were left.  Cameron and his friends were driving around, giving to those they thought could use it.  Cameron is aware of my aversion to shopping, and he thought of me.  We talked a bit while I thanked him, and he was off and away.  Omigosh, the box wasn't big, but so heavy I had to drag it into the house, packed with rice and pasta, cans of sauces, beans and soups, even canned fruit.  I hope Cameron knows that nothing will go to waste.

It was a good day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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