Sunday, October 4, 2015

Name Of The Game

Let the games begin!  Linda, Larry, and I have had a marathon game of Perquacky going after dinner each night, the reason I've missed my bedtime two nights in a row.  I can live with that.  Before Larry and Taylor leave, we'll have to have a tie-breaker playoff or none of us will be satisfied.  Someone has to be crowned Champion of the World!

Both Linda and Larry have offered to spray WD-40 on the squeaking door to the front bathroom.  I have declined because all such doors (and there are more than a few of those in the house) are my "early warning system."  This morning, sitting here in the dark, I heard that door squeal.  "Hmm, someone is up early."  And then it squeaked again.  And again.  And again.  Hmm.  My thought was that either Linda or Larry was making their point.  Turned out to be Celeste and Luna, one on either side of the door, pushing it back and forth, playing their own game.

We were treated to play of another sort yesterday afternoon.  Linda is storing several vintage Martin acoustic guitars here and brought one out for Larry, an accomplished guitarist, who performed an impromptu concert.  Often on weekends there is music coming over the hills from various vineyards.  Turnabout is fair play (in Fair Play) and it was lovely to hear it right in my living room.  Hopefully the wine tasters nearby could enjoy it too.

Taylor was distraught to be told she could not go back to "her" room when she arrived.  Tay is autistic.  She always commandeers the guest room where she settles in and plays with toys kept in there for her or dresses up in clothes in the closet.  Squeaking doors were my signal that Taylor was playing her game of hide-and-seek down the hall, trying to gain entrance to the forbidden room.

Waiting is the name of the game for both Linda and Larry.  Linda is waiting for paperwork on the many permits, inspections, licenses, etc., necessary for the business she is buying.  She is trying to forge ahead, but the mills of the county gods grind exceedingly slow.  A month after his knee injury at work, Larry is still waiting for insurance to approve the necessary surgery on his knee.  On crutches and in pain, the wait must be interminable.

The weather was great.  A strong breeze cleared the air.  I have my family and friend here.  It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So sorry for the delays for Larry and Linda - especially when powers that be have no real proprietary interest - but glad you are conquering the Perquacky world. I have not played it in probably 30 years!!