Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Treats

"Off with their heads!"  The Red Queen has spoken, beware!  Deb said it took nearly three months to sew this costume for the one day at work.  My daughter is creative and a perfectionist and I think she enjoys Halloween more as an adult than she ever did as a child.

Sitting in the barn, milking and thinking calm thoughts, suddenly there was a crash on the metal roof that gave my heart a jump start.  With the dead oak hanging over the barn, there is always a danger of a falling limb.  Before I could get up to see what the damage might be, I heard movement overhead.  Dead limbs don't move.  Hmmm.  Then there was the flutter of wings and a thump on the ground as a tom turkey flew off and landed.  What in the world could have interested it up there?  These guys would probably dress out at twenty pounds and I can't imagine what they weigh fully feathered, but I know it sounded like an elephant was on the roof.

Later as I was cleaning the back stalls, I saw movement outside, going too fast to be one of the goats.  A deer had gotten in the pen over the fence from the south pasture and, like the turkeys, forgotten how she got there.  The vineyards on two sides have "deer fencing" at least eight feet high to keep deer out.  In this case, they were keeping deer in.  The doe ran back and forth along the fence line before remembering what she'd come for and settled down to graze.  The girls in that same area paid her no never mind.  Her memory evidently came back as the last glimpse I had was of her tail going over the far (low) fence.

It was an interesting day.  Happy Halloween!


Unknown said...

Deb - Fabulous costume and talent!

Everyone else - Technical difficulties with the Internet Service Provider are preventing the posting of a new blog this morning :-(

Kathryn Williams said...

Thanks, Linda. As I sat down to catch up on over a week's worth, I was hoping that today's lack of entry was just a computer glitch. And yes, Deb...AMAZING!! Such talent!