Friday, May 18, 2018

Easing Back

After nearly a week of playing lady of the manor, recess is over and it's back to reality.  Not that I'm rushing, understand, the shock would be too great.  Taking baby steps, I got some piddly chores done yesterday in between sit-downs.  A top item was making "juice" for the hummers.  They'd drained all three feeders the day before.  The little guys don't go hungry because they all go down and freeload off Camille, but "my" birds are my responsibility.

Sheila is being a troublemaker lately.  She runs around after breakfast challenging Inga and Tessie to a head-butting battle, and finally one or the other will take her on.  I really don't like to hear that solid thunk when heads collide, but I'm sure not going to get in between them.

Bessie Anne has figured out what that slab of wood I put down is for and can get herself back up on the deck at will now.  Easier on both of us.

I'm glad I checked and found out the Preakness will be run tomorrow.  Justify, winner of the Kentucky Derby, is the odds-on favorite.  Whatever gets done today, I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.

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