Monday, May 28, 2018

New Friends

Levi, the young man who came with his girlfriend from Hawaii to meet the goats a couple of months ago, has a yard service business.  I have juniper bushes in front of the house that have grown to monster proportions.  They are a haven for Shaddup (who is once again driving me batty with his yipping) and his tribe and have almost obliterated the path to the front door.  I can't work on them myself because I seem to have an allergy to juniper and just brushing against them with bare skin causes a rash to erupt, so I called Levi.

He came yesterday afternoon after being at the nearby park with his dogs, Goose, an old yellow lab, and Sid, a much younger pitty.  I'm never sure how other dogs will react to Bess, so was cautious about letting her out to greet them, but I needn't have worried.  Goose and Sid were perfect gentlemen and Bessie was a gracious hostess, all having passed the initial butt-sniffing test that dogs do.

I was a bit concerned when Levi had said he would bring a chainsaw, imagining the juniper would end up looking like a victim of Edward Scissorhands, but, other than an expanded walkway and three full wheelbarrow loads of branches taken away, one would never know it had been thinned.  After checking out the property, Goose and Sid joined Bess and me on the porch to supervise.  Levi was done in no time at all.  There is certainly more to do, but it was a successful start.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Isn't it great to find a "handy person" who does the job well? And yay for the well-behaved doggies. Sounds like a successful venture!