Sunday, June 17, 2018


I've said it before...if we agree on a time for a visit, you can come late (within reason), but if you come early I promise this charter member of Procrastinators United won't be ready.  Okay, Candy, the itinerant hairdresser, was coming between 3:30 and 4:00 yesterday to give me a haircut.  No sweat, plenty of time.  Saturday is the day for all the TV cooking shows, a definite must.  Check the clock and calculate how long a quick sweep through the living room and kitchen will take and how long I could put off action.  Heck, I could even sneak in a nap.  Yeah, well, I got busted big time.  The telephone woke me and it was a woman saying she could be here in a few minutes.  ???  It was Candy and it was 1:00!!  Nooo!  Her prior appointment had finished early and, rather than go all the way home and drive back out here, she would like to come now.  It would have been churlish to say no, so, "Of course."  Procrastinators must be punished.  Moving at the speed of light is not my style, but I managed to get the house at least semi-presentable before Bess announced a car in the driveway.

Candy is just as sweet as her name, and we have become friends over the years.  When she had her shop, she would schedule my appointments as the last of the day so we could have a good visit together.  Coming here is no different.  We chatted longer than it took to trim my hair.

Ready or not, it was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

And I bet she would not mind at all if your sweeper had not swept :-)