Friday, June 1, 2018

Squirrel Games

I'm going to get caught behind the eight ball if I don't get the yards mowed pretty soon.  For awhile there, the every-other-day rain kept me from getting the job done and then it heated up and drained my ambition.  It was at the top of the list yesterday because cooler weather was promised.  It was, indeed, cooler, and that was because of a really strong delta breeze (call it like it was, windy), not optimum conditions for mowing.  It won't get done today because I'm joining Tinka and Kit for lunch in town.  The thing is, one of these days they're going to cut off the use of spark-causing equipment because of fire danger and there I'll be with my weeds showing.  Good intentions don't get the job done.

Robert the Raider and his gang have turned the deck into a race track.  They used to creep from pot to pot, sneaking like the thieves they are.  Now they speed around corners in groups and thunder down the straightaway like NASCAR pros.  One wouldn't think a small squirrel's footsteps could be so loud.  The lack of flowers on the deck makes me sad, but there is one small satisfaction.  About the only things growing are garlic chives.  Either they don't appeal to squirrels or they don't want to go home with garlic-onion breath and stink up the burrow.  Either way, they leave the chives alone.

I am so looking forward to seeing my friends.  It's going to be a good day.

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