Saturday, June 30, 2018


All was going well yesterday down at Cam's until I got to her barn and realized I'd forgotten the eight carrots for the donkeys.  Sorry, guys, but I'm not driving back up to the house for them.  They dove into their bowl of pellets, probably thinking I'd put the carrots on the bottom and they were looking for the prize.  Boy, I'll bet my name is on their list now.  Oh well.

It's always a toss-up when I need groceries:  spend time and gas and go into town, or pay higher prices and go up to Holiday.  Hmmm.  Yesterday I opted for Holiday.  I wanted to lay in some supplies so I can make a few meals for Camille when she gets home.  I doubt she's going to feel like cooking.  I succumbed to temptation while going through the aisles.  (I've got to do a better job of organizing my grocery list so I don't do so much backtracking.  I was going back and forth like a pinball machine.)   I rarely buy ice cream, but the mocha almond fudge called my name as I went by and I weakened.  It was a hot day and I could hardly wait to get home.  Mocha almond fudge ice cream with a splash of Kahlua is pure decadence.  Need I say it?  That was dinner last night.

I'm going to feel like a lady of leisure today with only my animals to tend.  It's my intention to do a lot of nothing.  I've had practice and am pretty good at that.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh you are speaking my language. Baskin Robbins Jamoca Almond Fudge is my all-time favorite with their Thin Mint as a close second. Both can be found directly from BR, at my local Vons, and yes, I have indulged more than once!!!