Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A Tree Grows In Fair Play

(Apologies to "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn," a wonderful old 1945 movie with Peggy Ann Garner, Dorothy McGuire, and James Dunn.)

This unusual tree started growing in my neighbor's vineyard weeks back.  It's been fascinating to watch its progress.  First the trunk went up, straight and tall, maybe 80 feet tall.  Then, over time, high-tech decorative panels were put up in two layers near the top.  Nothing else happened for awhile and I thought perhaps it had gone dormant.  Then, out of the blue, the tree started sprouting branches from the top down.  Darnedest tree I've ever seen.  There are spiky twigs all the way to close to the ground, so it's possible that it's going to put out more branches so as to blend in with the little grove Joel left in the field.

I'm guessing it's a cellphone tower, but what do I know?  It's certainly more entertaining than watching paint dry, and about as much excitement as we get in Fair Play.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Yep, looks like a cell phone tree to me but I'll be interested to see and hear what else you have to say about any more "growth!"