Saturday, January 5, 2019

Quick Fix

What works in theory does not always work in practice, as I found yesterday.  Following directions prolonged the problem, and Beau's solution turned out to be a good preventive measure, but not a cure.  Those rays of hope were an illusion.

When, for the second night in a row, I'd lost water, I did what I'd been told and turned off the pump first thing in the morning and again called Go-To Guy (I've got him on speed dial).  "Hmmm, sounds like there's a slow leak somewhere or (those dreaded, expensive words) it could be down in the well."  He said he'd be over late in the day.

Disheartened, I puttered around and sulked.  In the afternoon, thinking (hoping) it might possibly be a repeat of the day before and just a frozen pipe, I turned the pump back on and got the wagon to restock the wood rack.  And soon as I got to the woodpile, I heard it...running water where there should be no running water.  The standing pipe down by the memorial trees in the south pasture was gushing like Old Faithful.  It had burst up at the top and water was spraying three feet out.  The good part of this story is that when the pipe was put in, a shut-off valve had also been installed and I was able to stop the flow...all by myself!  Ta da!  I again phoned GT and called off our date.

If I'd done a walk-around before turning off the water, the leak would have been immediately apparent.  If Beau had driven out the other direction after covering the pipe to the pump, he would have seen it as he passed.  If I had not gone to get wood before going back in the house, I'd never have heard the water.  Timing is everything.

I love a quick fix.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So glad you were able to find it and that it made its presence so apparent!!