Thursday, January 3, 2019

Oh No!

It had been a rather uneventful day yesterday, nothing out of the ordinary, and I was fine with that.  I'd started the fire before chores so, if not warm, at least the knife edge of cold was gone from the house before noon.  I watched the second half of a four-hour documentary on the American circus that reminded me of my dad (another story for another day).  Later in the evening, with a lapful of cats, I fell asleep in the chair for my nightly pre-bedtime nap.  All in all, a pretty good day.

Waking in the wee hours, the dog, cats and I paraded down the hall to go to bed and I went about my usual routine: filled Bessie's water bowl, used the facilities and flushed,  and started to brush my teeth.  "Houston, we have a problem."  The water flow had slowed to a trickle.  Let's just say that's never a good omen.  There was nothing to do about it at that hour, so I climbed under the covers and the critters took their places.  They went right to sleep while I ran expensive scenarios through my head, dollar signs instead of sugarplums floating by.

I was able to squeeze out enough water for a cup of  coffee this morning.  That's a good thing or it could have been ugly.  As early as is feasible, I'll put in a call to Go-To Guy and hope he's not booked up for the day.  He's come to my rescue time after time.  It must be nice to be needed.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I hope by the time you read this, the water works will be flowing beautifully!