Monday, January 14, 2019

Don't Start

"Don't start with me, Stanley.  This won't end well for you."

The morning got a bit of a jump start yesterday.  First, when I opened the coop to let the little kids out, there was an egg.  Oh goody!  Neither of the hens has laid an egg in months and I just figured they were past their prime.  I didn't get their resume and have no idea how old they are.  I had already put down food and fresh water.  Stanley always takes the lead leaving the coop so he hopped out and began his breakfast.  I had picked up the egg and turned to leave when I heard him coming at me.  I thought I was close enough to slip through the gate and escape.  Evidently Stanley thought so, too, and kicked it into high gear.  When I shut the gate, we were both on the outside.  Oh crum!  I think Stanley was as surprised as I.  We stood there considering our options.  If I left the gate open to try to herd Stanley back in, there was a risk of the little girls getting out.  If I left the rooster out of the pen, he'd probably not make it through the day.  I don't know what he was thinking.  It was a conundrum.

Rather than do nothing, I grabbed a nearby shovel and when Stanley started to go around the pen one way, I went the other to head him off.  Like a lot of bullies, he didn't want to take on a foe face to face and turned back.  I imagined us going round and round, but he slipped back in through the gate.  To my relief, the girls hadn't even come out of the coop so we were back to normal.  As normal it ever gets around here.

I don't know if Stanley learned anything from this adventure.  When I put the chickens to bed last night, I carried a stick and did not turn my back on him.  No second chances for Stan.

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