Friday, January 4, 2019

Down The Rabbit Hole

Even though Go-To Guy works out of his home, I try to observe normal business hours and waited until 8 a.m. to call him.  "Hey, fella, how's your day shaping up?"  "You're the fourth call so far this morning."  "Can I get on the list?"  "Yup, but I don't know when I can get there."  He told me to go ahead and flush and draw a pot of water, and then turn off the pump.  I follow directions well, especially when I don't know what I'm doing.

Cleaning the kitchen had been the planned project for the day, but without water obviously that wasn't going to happen.  Frustration was the impetus to get me moving in other directions and there was plenty of housework to keep me busy.  Dusting was last on the list.  Determined to do a better job on that onerous task, I was getting into neglected nooks and crannies when poof! the television went dark and silent.  Aarrgh!  No, the power was still on, just no TV.  One learns early in life never to ask, "What else can go wrong," but this seemed a bit much.  I pushed this button and that with no results.  I looked at the television and it looked back with one giant black, unblinking eye.

I finally called and left a message for Beau, who deals with things electrical.  He stopped by later and in a matter of minutes discovered that in my enthusiastic dusting I'd evidently hit a button that I didn't even know was on the side of the screen and turned off the "input" (whatever that is).  Ta da!  The TV was up and running again.  "As long as I'm here, let me take a look at your water problem."  I explained that GT would be coming, hopefully soon.  "Oh, it's no problem.  I'll just take a look."  Well, the problem seemed to have been a frozen pipe going into the pump that had thawed as the day warmed because when the valve was turned, there was a full force of water in all the faucets in the house.  The dadratted squirrels had chewed off the insulation on that pipe.  I had a stick of the foam that I was going to ask Helper Dude to put on.  Beau insisted he'd do it, and he did.  I left a message for GT and gave him the day off.

The day had been emotionally draining and I was tired and decided to leave all other projects for another time.  I was happy that there had been a satisfactory ending to the situations.

And then we went to bed and it was deja vu all over again (I love that Yogi Berra quote).  The toilet gurgled and the faucet trickled and I wasn't out of the rabbit hole yet.  Move over, Alice.  Sigh.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

You are NOT lacking in excitement!!! My input button is very hard to push so I couldn't do it dusting if I wanted to...and who wants to dust. I have to change that button anytime I want to watch something on the DVD player. Rodent varmints and insulation...don't ya love it?