Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Day Tripper

("Day Tripper" The Beatles, 1965)

I really felt I should have packed an overnight bag and a sack of snacks.  Yesterday was a long, long day, starting with a wake-up at 3 a.m.  It's not that I was anxious about the meeting with Vampira...the blood letting doesn't bother me...I just didn't want to go.  "Please arrive fifteen minutes prior to your appointment."  I did.  And waited for the better part of an hour.  There had been an "incident" in the Infusion Center.  I did not ask what the "incident" was; I did not want to know.

The little gal who drew a sample vial was a newbie and it took her two tries.  Oh well.  The Center was busy and a whole flock of vampires fluttered around, red and white tubes hung like Christmas garlands.  My personal RN bat was alarmed at my blood pressure.  I explained that I have "white-coat syndrome" on the best of days, but did not say that even the thought of leaving home elevates my BP and the delays weren't helping.  She contacted my doctor and was reassured.  The phlebotomy was performed without incident and I was finally, finally released.  I didn't exactly stampede out the door, but I didn't waste any time, either.  I was gone almost five hours...day tripper, indeed.

I stopped to check the mailbox before coming up the road and found a rainbow.  Steve's cousin Sandy (sorry, honey, but she's mine now) periodically sends cards of caring and each one is like receiving a huge hug.  One such card was received yesterday and it couldn't have come at a better time.  She followed up later in the evening with a phone call.  At the risk of sounding like Dirty Harry, she "made my day."

Tomorrow I go for a PET scan in Diamond Springs.  Oh goody.

By the way, Stanley behaved himself morning and night.


Kathryn Williams said...

Oh man oh man...I know how you hate going to town and this has become like a bad joke that someone is playing! Hopefully you can have a restful day at home after your day-trippin' has come to an end this time! Glad Sandy made your day :-)

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh...and "If it's Tuesday, it must be Belgium!!!" LOL