Monday, January 28, 2019

Another Joke

Nature does love a little giggle now and then.  The crew did all that work and here I am with a winter's worth of firewood, and what did she do?  She turned up the thermostat to 70 yesterday.  It was a truly beautiful day.  I will admit, however, that I felt a little like my daughter at five years old.  All she asked for on her birthday was an umbrella.  They're hard to find in mid July, but I got lucky, and she was thrilled.  There is also no rain in July.  I remember her looking out the window at a clear blue sky and saying, "Mama, don't you think God would make it rain for a little girl with a new umbrella?"  Well, I couldn't let God get a bad rap or let my daughter down, so we went out into the front yard and I turned on the hose so she could march around, dry and happy under her umbrella.  I had to look at Nature's prank as a conservation effort.  I didn't have to light a fire yesterday.

Normally I'm wiped out after a day of company, but yesterday I had an unexpected burst of energy and took care of a number of smallish tasks.  Nothing big, but things that had been hanging fire for quite awhile.  I'm very good at looking at something that needs doing and saying, "Oh, I'll do that tomorrow."  Evidently yesterday was "tomorrow."

I'm off to Cameron Park today.  Oh joy.

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