Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wishful Thinking

My bubble burst yesterday when I received one of those helpful reminder calls and was informed that, no, the PET scan was not at the hospital in Diamond Springs and that I'd be making the trek to Cameron Park again.  I'd been so happy in my delusion, a clear case of wishful thinking.  I was also reminded that I was to have nothing but water today until after the scan, sometime around 3 o'clock.  No food doesn't bother me, but no coffee this morning is making me really cranky.

A pretty good storm blew in yesterday with wind and rain all day.  This was my view until Stove finally kicked it in gear and started putting out some heat.  The TV was full of news that this was just the little brother to the big boy due today with inches of rain and sustained winds, another reason I'd wished to go no farther than Diamond Springs.  I'm going to leave extra early in case there are downed trees in the road or accidents.

Just in case we lost power as I fully expected, I made sure the cellphone was fully charged before going to bed last night.  It was a nice surprise to find we still have power this morning.

I wish I had a cup of coffee.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Good luck today..actually it sounds like Thursday will Be worse.
Will be thinking of give yourself plenty of time....and think how glad we will be if there is no draught this summer.