Thursday, November 14, 2019

Eye Of The Beholder

I wish I'd had the forethought to take "before" photos to emphasize the vast improvement in these "now" shots.  Mouse and his buddy Mike finished up in the afternoon and rumbled off with their heavy equipment, leaving Michael and me to take our walk on the new flat driveway.  My excitement might seem silly to an urban dweller, someone used to paved streets and sidewalks.  To give an example of how bad it can get up here, I had given Mouse a ride up the road to where his truck and trailer were parked.  As I was making a three-point turnaround, one of my front tires got stuck in a rut, and I mean stuck!  I couldn't go forward and I couldn't back up.  Fortunately, my truck has four-wheel drive or I'd still be sitting there, spinning my wheels.

My driveway wasn't quite that bad, but it was getting there.  Mouse is a pro at what he does.  He left just a slight crown in the middle to let rain run off to channels cut at the sides, and went back and forth with the roller to compact the dirt.  Mouse estimated he'd done his last work here five years ago (I'd underestimated that).  If it takes another five years for the drive to go to pot, I'll be a happy camper.

Dozer was here again.  After his first visit, Michael beat his own record yesterday morning with ten pit stops.  I don't know how he does it.  I feel like I should carry a canteen so he can replenish what he puts out.  I imagine we'll have a repeat this morning as Michael reclaims his turf.

I don't want to drive on my driveway...I just want to look at it.  Ain't it purty?

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

It's GORGEOUS, and I'm a city gal but I SURE CAN APPRECIATE IT!! My one-time handy man had a dog named Dozer, too!