Thursday, November 28, 2019

One Thing Or Another

If it isn't PG&E, it's Nature.  Oh crum.  I didn't know what time I woke up because I (duh) hadn't reset the bedside clock...turned out to be 4:30 a.m.  Turned on the computer and went to make a cup of coffee.  Came back to...nothing.  The Wi-Fi modem only had two lights and it needed five.  What the heck?  Do modems wear out or break?  What do I know.  Being pitch black outside, I had no idea it had snowed during the night.  The computer worked, but I had no access to the internet.  After 50 games of Solitaire, I was getting pretty good.

After daybreak and I could see maybe 2-3 inches of the white stuff on the deck, I called for help.  Winston did some diagnostics and decided the satellite dish was probably clogged with snow and that I should hope for the sun to come out.  Ta da!

I declined a very gracious invitation for Thanksgiving dinner from Florence yesterday.  She said she'd come pick me up, but no.  That would have been four trips over icy roads and that just wasn't going to happen, but wasn't that nice?

Mike worked yesterday until he couldn't feel his fingers anymore.  Brrr!  I periodically took him mugs of hot coffee, but that only works for a little while.

I had wondered how Missy would fare in this white stuff.  I shouldn't have worried.  She was on the covered portion of the deck when I went out and had had a good breakfast.  There's a padded chair out there that she used for a bed.  She told me it might be a good idea for her to come inside, until she saw Celeste on the other side of the glass door, that is.  Hisss!  Probably not.

Michael's walk this morning didn't take long.  There are several patches of yellow snow now, but he didn't dawdle on the way back to the house.

I've got a good fire going in Stove.  I have TV and computer.  I had a marvelous turkey and avocado sandwich for lunch (probably another for dinner).  Minus my Kids, it's been a good Thanksgiving.

(The cloud cover is rolling back in.  If you don't hear from me, you'll know why.)  If it's not one thing, it's another.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Sounds like your day was indeed fairly decent. We have had more rain than I have seen in a LONG time, but I didn't have to go anywhere. Today I travel with the grandchildren to meet their folks in L.A. but the rain is only here and not there. Hope Mike is able to make good progress. Interesting that Missy has come all the way to you now instead of just the goat barn. Wonder if she is "owned" elsewhere...if that is really possible for some cats.