Friday, November 29, 2019

Off Track

Was I always such a creature of habit?  Probably.  I know I was thrown for a loop yesterday when I couldn't use the computer in the wee hours of the morning.  Computer time in the afternoon just doesn't work for me.

The grey skies brought only rain last evening.  For Mike, that is a good thing because it rinsed away most of the snow.  As of Wednesday, he planned to work today.  We'll see.  He said he never wanted to work in an office, but in weeks like this I'll bet central heating and a view out a window sound pretty good.  As much as I sympathize with him, getting the deck finished sounds good to me.

Ralph, also a creature of habit, makes such a pest of himself every morning.  He is long and lean and reaches up to pat my arm, wanting to be stroked.  When that's not enough, he gets on the bed and pats my shoulder until I turn my chair so he can climb onto my lap.  That's where he right now, eyes closed and content.  It's very difficult to type while sitting sideways.

For a long while the piglets had gone dormant.  They lay throughout the house wherever they'd landed when the cats lost interest.  They're on the move again and the crooning has resumed.  Now I never know where I'll find them.  At least Celeste has stopped flinging them into the toilet.

I overestimated how much deli turkey I'd need.  Now, just like the rest of those who celebrated Thanksgiving, I'll be living on leftovers for a week.  I do miss the gravy, though.

I'm very glad I had the forethought to bring wood to the porch.  Between the snow and the rain, this house gets cold.  If I go off track and wait too long, it takes Stove hours to get us warmed up, burning wood at an alarming rate.  Michael curls up in one of his beds and puts his long-haired, fox-like tail over his nose.  The cats, who have no concept of personal space, crowd onto my lap.

It's time to get back on track today.


Emmy said...

Missed you yesterday
Thought you might be taking a holiday

Kathryn Williams said...

On track or off...I hope you have a lovely day.